Welcome to the Denison State School website. The website is for our current students and their families, parents of prospective students, school staff, past members of our school community and any interested members of the wider community.
Further information is available on request. This can be obtained through e-mail and we will be pleased to answer any enquiries. Visitors to our site are also invited to provide feedback on the site.
Denison State School is committed to providing the best service to all our students in line with our motto 'Believe in Yourself'. Our aim is to maximise the educational outcomes for all in a supportive school environment. Teachers are committed to providing excellent teaching and learning outcomes with our students. I trust that this message is conveyed through this website.
We hope that your association with our school will be a happy one and that your involvement with our activities will help to further a spirit of co-operation and cohesion within the school community.
The experiences gained at primary school help to lay the foundations for coping with the real life situations, which face children when they enter the wider society. For this reason we endeavour to provide a stimulating environment which will help in the acquisition of knowledge and skills considered so necessary for further learning.
It is our belief that education is the responsibility of both teachers and parents. Therefore we ask you to form a partnership with us so that your children can develop trusting relationships with adults who care about their welfare. Such partnerships will help to realise our expectations that the children of our school will develop desirable attitudes towards life and learning and that they emerge in later years as worthy members of society.
If you have any further queries please feel free to contact us at any time.